How time flies!

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Well, here we are, the last week of August.  For some people this will indicate the end of summer, or the mad dash to get some back-to-school essentials before the new term.  For us this week marks two significant dates – not only will it be one year from handing in my notice at my previous job but it is also six months since we completed the purchase of the shop.

Making the final decision to leave a company I had been with for over 15 years wasn’t easy, but I knew it was the right time to make the move.  After I broke the news to my manager the hard work really started…  For the next two months I was simultaneously doing my handover to my colleagues in readiness for my departure as well as completing never ending paperwork.

Fast-forward to the end of February and, after months and months of going round in circles chasing solicitors followed by waiting, it finally completed in a rush and we were there!

In the six months that have passed since then we haven’t stopped.  There have been late nights, early starts, quieter days and manically busy ones.  We have tweaked the shop layout, started a social media presence, supported some local events, introduced some special offers, brought in new products and met with a range of suppliers to make sure that we’re able to keep our prices as competitive as possible.

We wanted to meet each and every customer, and get to understand their needs and those of their pets.  This would take time and we had do it alongside keeping the business running and paying the bills – after all, it’s no good running a shop if there’s nothing on the shelves to sell!

We have listened to everything that people have said to us – every comment, suggestion or bit of feedback is invaluable.  There are always different products to consider and new ideas about how to feed and care for our pets.  We have made some mistakes (we are human after all!), but we have learned a lot and we will keep on learning.

From Sarah, myself and the rest of the team at Herne Bay Pet Shop we would like to say a massive thank you to all of our customers for supporting us through our first six months here whilst we settle in.  We have some ideas about what we would like to do to improve or expand on our offerings, but always underlying this is our principle aim – to provide a great service at a good value, and to see your pets remain happy and healthy.


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